G7FEK's Guestbook

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June 24th 2024
10:51:34 AM
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Hi. I have had the G7FEK antenna for about 18 months now and find it meets most of my needs. I use it on all bands 160 thru 6m albeit with an external matching unit for 3 bands. The antenna works fine on 5 bands with no matching and the IC-7300 can match on all bands but one. I did a lot of measuring, testing and adjusting to get it operating well. Recently I raised the lowest end from 5.5m to 9.5m and it made a noticeable difference to received signal levels so presume it may be the same for tx. I live in a high qrn area (S6-S7) and have yet to try any other antenna to compare them. Anyway, the antenna works well and I\'m very happy to tell others that I\'m using your design. Thanks for your design effort. Regards...

August 5th 2023
03:42:27 PM
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Just got the G7FEK antenna back up and working very well. Had a great contact with WORLD FRIENDSHIP NET on 7.128 Mhz and received a 59 plus working 100W to Florida from Burlington, Ontario. Great bunch of guys on Mon. Wed. and Fri. 7pm to 10pm. Thanks for a great antenna.

May 26th 2020
12:22:28 AM
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Antoni Karol dianovsky

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Helloe fellow i bild G7FEK for smal garden back home used 1.5mm coper wire and 6mm dustance line down so now im try contirpoise to get goid swr what you fink that i have todo furst move conterpoiso or horizontal first ? So 73 tks for a great peojet are yuo friend g5rv?

June 5th 2019
03:18:40 PM
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Fred Shead

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Hi Mike long time no see, long time since I brought that Sperry Computer to you to fix in Barnston, then I think you moved to Stansted airport area, then Devon and Isle of Wight....hope your well, I am 71 now with sugar diabetes and that\'s about all, I am pretty well for my age were still living in same place in Essex. cul 73 Fred.

April 29th 2017
08:53:54 AM
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Erected a \"G7FEK nested Marconi\", 1st contact last August R870T 1600Z 20m CW 100W 4138 miles. Aerial also resonant on 6m although I am not a 6m devotee. Also August on 6m 1500Z CW 100W two contacts SP3UR & SP5AOZ both 599 over 900 miles.

April 25th 2017
09:12:19 PM
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Made the limited space antenna works a treat great so far will report back when i have had more time to test

July 24th 2016
06:20:33 PM
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Going to give the antenna a try???
very small space hear.

Nice site btw

April 3rd 2015
07:00:52 PM
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brian neal

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Hi having logged a call with you when i was an M6 i thought about having a bash at your antenna. Sadly i never got around to trying it but recommended to a friend, he loves it. So ive built one at last and hope it gives me good contacts. Thanks for the super website and design.

September 15th 2013
08:14:11 AM
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David Williams

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Upon building your limited space antenna the VSWR 1.5 to 1 on
80m - 40 m -15m the VSWR on 17m 2 to 1 but is hgh at 3 to 1 on
30m - 20m - 12m - 10m can you help me to fix the high VSWR on some

August 1st 2012
10:35:39 PM
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I use the Devon repeaters each year when i am visiting the area. You nlist is very useful. i used the Exmouth Echolink node last year from Starcross. You do not list GB3SW and GB7NL. Tnx Robert


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