The Irony Maiden
The software calls this a vote; it's really a survey, of course!
Where are you from?
Elsewhere in Europe
South America
Elsewhere outside Europe
How do you rate Daria among your favourite TV shows?
It's my favourite TV show!
It's in my top five.
It's in my top ten.
It's in my top twenty.
I like it, but it's not in my top twenty.
How do you rate Daria among your favourite animated series?
It's my favourite animated series!
It's in my top five.
It's in my top ten.
It's in my top twenty.
I like it, but it's not in my top twenty.
Do you own any Daria books?
I own both books.
I own only The Daria Diaries.
I own only The Daria Database.
I didn't know about the books. I want one!
I didn't know about the books, but I don't want one.
I knew about the books, and I'd buy one if I saw it.
I knew about the books, but I don't want one.
Do you own any official release Daria recordings (videos or DVDs)?
I own more than five recordings.
I own five recordings.
I own four recordings.
I own three recordings.
I own two recordings.
I own one recording.
I didn't know about the videos and DVDs. I want one!
I didn't know about the videos and DVDs, but I don't want one.
I knew about the videos and DVDs, and I'd buy one if I saw it.
I knew about the videos and DVDs, but I don't want one.
If more Daria DVDs came out, would you buy them?
I'd buy every season!
I'd buy three or four seasons.
I'd buy one or two seasons.
No, but I would buy VHS tapes.
No, and I wouldn't buy VHS tapes either.
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