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I'm not sure if anyone will read this, but I would like to tell anyone who visits this forum about a project I'm working on.

Back in 04, I created a servitor named Rowsats and tried to get everyone I could to believe in him. A servitor is a spirit created from magick. Rowsats is the form of a colossal, black, sperpent like dragon. His specialty is magick.

Its been years since I actually worked on the Rowsats project, but I could always feel that Rowsats was still around. He had no plans of just ceaseing to exist. So, recently I decided to revive the project. This time I'm planning on adding more servitors.

The project is still a bit disorganised, but I'm currently in the process of fixing that.

My old Rowsats site is . The site is wrong in that I now consider Rowsats to be a he and Rowsats only specialty is magick. is my blog of my current efforts on the project.

Re: Rowsats

If you have any suggestions or questions feel free to ask them