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how tall will my fillie grow???

I own a 19 month old arab cross. she stands at 14hh at the moment.i was told she would make 15.1 when i bought her 8 months ago but im doubtful that she will now. Does any one remember an old way of estimating a horses height with a piece of string and measuring part of the horses leg. I red an article on it a few years ago but carnt seem to find it. Please can anyone help.

Re: how tall will my fillie grow???

As far as I can remember you are supposed to measure from the fetlock to the elbow and double it

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Replying to:

I own a 19 month old arab cross. she stands at 14hh at the moment.i was told she would make 15.1 when i bought her 8 months ago but im doubtful that she will now. Does any one remember an old way of estimating a horses height with a piece of string and measuring part of the horses leg. I red an article on it a few years ago but carnt seem to find it. Please can anyone help.

Re: Re: how tall will my fillie grow???

to find the true height of a youngster you need to find the middle height between both parents eg. dam 14.2hh - sire 15.2hh youngster will grow to about 15hh. but there are always ones who don't like the theory of it.


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Replying to:

As far as I can remember you are supposed to measure from the fetlock to the elbow and double it

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Replying to:

I own a 19 month old arab cross. she stands at 14hh at the moment.i was told she would make 15.1 when i bought her 8 months ago but im doubtful that she will now. Does any one remember an old way of estimating a horses height with a piece of string and measuring part of the horses leg. I red an article on it a few years ago but carnt seem to find it. Please can anyone help.

Re: Re: how tall will my fillie grow???

Take a lead rope....

Measure from the point of the elbow to the ground...

holding the elbow end (at the elbow) turn the lead rope around so the other end is in the air...

this is how tall your filly will be at maturity...

My Dad was an old time breeder/dealer and this method NEVER failed him! I have tried this also for many years as I breed miniature shetlands and it's fairly reliable for those too!

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Replying to:

As far as I can remember you are supposed to measure from the fetlock to the elbow and double it

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Replying to:

I own a 19 month old arab cross. she stands at 14hh at the moment.i was told she would make 15.1 when i bought her 8 months ago but im doubtful that she will now. Does any one remember an old way of estimating a horses height with a piece of string and measuring part of the horses leg. I red an article on it a few years ago but carnt seem to find it. Please can anyone help.