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Found new Captain Wentworth (so over TK-Max guy). My writing-partner told me to 'stop dweebling' over potential love interest and so have successfully asked the good Captain out for coffee. Naturally, was very happy with the result of him return vollying the flirting. Going to give the ball in my court a good flirty-filled wallop next time I see him. Huzzah!

Re: Update

V exciting! do remember, though, that the more he likes you, the more effort he'll put into chasing you... Wentworth needed a bit of encouragement the second time around, but definitely did a lot of chasing. So sit back and let him do some of the work too... and have fun! (ah, dating, I remember that very fondly...)

Re: Update

He's more a Mr. Knightley/ Col. Brandon... don't worry, he's doing all the work and I'm loving every moment.