will an AD go into crisis while she is on a medication
Hi. My name is Angel. I have a 4 years old Female Westies has
diagnosed with Addison's at the age of 2 1/2, whose name is called
BBQ. When she first diagnosed with Addison's back in April 2006. We
started her with Florinef + Prednisone and blood count monitoring
every 2 weeks. However after trying for almost 8 months with various
dosage (as it seemed Florinef didn't really helping her AD at all).
By Dec 2006, we switched to DOCP injection (every 28 days) +
Prednisone with blood count monitoring every 2 weeks. AFter
switching to DOCP, her AD was well under control. All the readings
are fall back to normal range and she also gained back all the weight
she had been lost.
However, starting last Saturday night (Feb 16, 2008, she is going to
have DOCP by Feb 23 and she just had her blood work done last Jan 26,
2008 and the reading are normal and well under control). She started
to look ill. She lost her appetite, tremoring, yelling when touching
her back. Then she started to vomit on Sunday morning and I took her
to the Emergency to run a blood test. The result comes back that she
needs to go for IV fluid treatment right away and the Vet at the
Emergency told me that she will need to stay with the IV fluid for 36
hours and need to go to her regular Vet for further. (it is public
holiday today here in Ontario, Canada)
My question is will an AD go into crisis while she is on a medication
and everything well under control? Is there anything we can do to
prevent this from happening. Frankly speaking, I was so freaked out
as the Vet at the Emergency told me BBQ's intital blood test.
Re: will an AD go into crisis while she is on a medication
Your question is of medical nature and unfortunately not what this forum is equipped to answer. I would advise you to consult further with your doctor and for further help maybe seek the support of other owners of Westies that might have personal input at "The Terrier Club" http://www.terrierclub.com/cgi-bin/showmessage.pl