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new rovers return

i hear some one has rented the old bouble scotch and renamed it rovers return compleate with green sign i would have thought that was 1 name to be left sacred to the man who made it his own

Re: new rovers return

WHAT, do they have the original sign. I agree with you the name belongs to only one Man.

Re: new rovers return

If they put up a Plaque and a great photo acknowledging Lenny and his 'ownership' of everything 'Rovers Return' in Salou, I don't think Lenny would have minded at all. Better than NO Link to Lenny and the past for all to recognise.? He will live on in our memories as long as WE live...but what about new visitors to the town, who never ever knew Lenny as we did? They would understand just what Lenny meant to all who knew him. As things are, they would never ever know about him at all.
Maybe the new Owners wouldn't want to do that, so...just a thought

Re: new rovers return

unfortunatly i never got to meet lenny but i do have an idea by the posts on s.u that he was a very loved and liked man and something of an icon in salou and his establishment THE ROVERS RETURN was something of a got to visit place, judging by posts that friends and family have placed on s.u i would understand that lenny would be proud that the name of the rovers would be carried on, as long as the new owners understand what they have inherited also that the name and standards of the business that lenny set is something to be cherished then good luck to them

Re: new rovers return

the rovers premises as were have changed hands and is now a spanish disco bar. the new rovers is in a difrent local so nothing to do with lenny or the bar just using the name