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ABROS press release.

This is the press release by Pere Otero president of ABROS (in Spanish).

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Re: ABROS press release.

On Thursday, day 13, there was a meeting of businessmen and professionals
involved in providing Salou with entertainment and restaurants and Bars,etc,some of which have taken years and years of working in the tourist Industry to make them work. A lively exchange of views among the participants ensued.
Here are some conclusions that I wish to put before the reader who has interest and therefore depend upon
this important sector of our economy.
1. Among the professional entertainment providers, reigns deep concern in Salou, following the
results of the 2010 season, and the consequences for
businesses and workers in the immediate and medium to long term. To those who work closely with British and Irish tourism, this concern is especially significant because of the major dependency of that segment of Commerce in Salou upon this very section of Salou tourism, and the apparent dark future that is anticipated.
2.There has been detected a major upset as a result of increased
regulatory and disciplinary regime that has recently been elevated to unfair and unreasobale levels in their eyes, and quite justifiably. Plus, taking into
account the huge modernization effort undertaken in recent
years by entrepreneurs. It must compare the rigid
discipline applied to establishments with nightlife,
palpable tolerance toward others, many of which are clearly outside the rules of
health and labor,and in theory, should apply to everyone equally.
3. These professionals feel that the administration in general and local
particular, remain somewhat remote from their concerns and
would like more and more frequent contact with departments
concerned and, in particular with the Tourism Board in order
to present their problems and seek solutions. I bear witness to the
variety and richness of ideas and possibilities for the entrepreneurs and
I am convinced that if the government had more contact
These could focus more properly many of the difficulties
facing the sector and find solutions to the crisis certainly which certainly affects us, and will
perhaps even affect well into the future.
4. Indeed, in line with the will of the association and ABROS and myself in particular, we wish to maintain the best relations with the local Authorities and administration, and I therefore
requested an interview with the mayor of Salou, Pere Granados,
so that he can hear first hand the views of
professionals in the entertainment Salou, get to know their problems
and together, find the best solution at a time when frankly things are far too diverse and complicated.
I look forward with anticipation to pass on
The results of this meeting, which I hope will take place soon, I will be happy to inform you, the reader of any progress accomplished as a result.
José Otero, president of the Association ABROS
In Salou, October 15, 2010

With a bit of poetic license, and trying to read between the lines, I have tried to translate the Spanish version into simple English for those who don't understand Spanish too well Apologies to José Otero if I have put words into his mouth unwittingly

Re: ABROS press release.

Thanks NICK you are a gentleman.