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murdoch says spain is next

following is from hull daily mail sky say foreign bars are next

Re: murdoch says spain is next

The comments after the article give a much better picture of public opinion.
Also... drugs were involved so I do think the operation was just a touch more than a 'copyright' bust.
Also... do you honestly think the Sky police are going to raid the length and breadth of the Costa's?
Lets just watch and wait to see what happens in Brussels later this year when they rule on what you can and cannot do with foreign transmission of local sport

Re: murdoch says spain is next

SKY SALES AGENT you are what you say you are promoting sky sales, i thought this website was for the promotion of salou and surrounding areas not for the promotion of a multi million dollar corporation like SKY TELEVISION.
the local bar owners are aware i would have thought that there is a shakedown of laws etc for the viewing of certain programmes but as the av kid said lets wait and see then act accordingly no one knows yet what will be the outcome of the debates in brussels