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Is Rob Elvis....

really Peter Andre, or just his brother?
Rumour has it that the Ladies bikes on next year's downhill bike excursions will have an added attraction...Rob is reported to be removing all their saddles, and the route takes in a few cobblestone tracks
Hahahaha!! Good luck with the new venture, Rob

Re: Is Rob Elvis....

I'm getting more nicknames than ever! Yes Nick , its true I am Peter Andre's stunt and body double but I'm signed to a new contract in 2010 with the Downhill Bikes Salou Excursions. So with some reluctance someother mugg will have to step in for me om that one! Was'nt the same job description after he split from Katy Price! I'm now just part-time stunt man for Songs of Praise!
Looking forward to a new and improved Downhill bike Excursions for 2010. Keeping the Tours and transfers going and perhaps a spot or two as The Costa Dorada King!! Investing in a "CONCHO" 1970 jumpsuit next year. Best get on the mountain bikes soon so to squeeze into the suit!!
Strength and honour mate!

Re: Is Rob Elvis....

Rob,I must say that I admire your entrepreneurial skills,you don't sit on your hands,do you? A lesson for many people in the area,not only that but you are providing things for the visitors that Port Av don't. Well done lad!

Re: Is Rob Elvis....

hi rob good luck with the bike rides i went with martin last season and loved it so much i wanted to buy the buisness when people ask what there is to do in salou i normaly point to the bike rides just hope salou dont go the same way as benidorm all the living dead on mobility scooters or you will need to ditch the bikes and trade for a bigger trailer to fit the granny mobiles

Re: Is Rob Elvis....

Good luck Rob. Hope other business in Salou will follow the trend and get new ideas.
