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The pop of "Save the Beach"

The pop of "Save the Beach'bursts Salou Beach.

Pau Dones Pignoise were the highlight of the night music and sand.

Mónica Pérez - 15/08/2009 (Diari de Tarragona)

One hour before the event, the visitors salouenses had already moved the towel to the sea front to the stage installed in the sand, a few meters from the seafront. When Tony Aguilar jumped to the podium, the audience was more than willing to get to 84, one of the new Spanish pop that was responsible for breaking the ice. Defoliated after the flower of spring gave way to the eccentric aura, which, with a brief but intense action brought an impasse in the night.
Ragdog was not expected to transport spectators to their particular Siberia. Time off prelude the arrival of the consolidated Maldita Nerea, who came accompanied by their ever-loyal group of followers, known for a thousand times on the secrets of the turtles. The menu was presented and delicious, after a luxury entrants arrived two dishes served at the hands of Pau Dones and Pignoise. Nothing could save the audience a night of good atmosphere and best music. Among spatial rhythms were present Madrileños, with a direct forceful and overwhelming that hooked from the start. The order came with the renewed party gifts, which takes some time with the orchestra recycling of his last album.
Success without conditions for the holding of this festival, bringing together the best current pop scene, fresh out of the list of the Top 40. Beach Save the draft of Coronita, targets the cleaning and conservation of coastal areas. With posters like this, looks complicated not encouraged to support this green initiative. Nature and music in a cocktail to please everyone.