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This may sound like a silly question but where can I get a potty? will need one Sunday on arrival as my little one suddenly decided to potty train..bad timing!, and don't want to take one with me!


Re: potty!

Hi, you could get a travel potty from Mothercare. these are ideal and fold flat when not in use. when you need it you just whip it out from under the pram, inset a special liner and it's ready. Beacuse it folds flat you can take it everywhere (beach, walks at night etc) no need to be looking for a loo everywhere you go, because these are often few and far between on hol ar you end up having to buy something in a cafe so you can use the loo.

Have fun potty training, i remember it well.


Re: potty!

Hi Anna.
Myself and Little Miss Touchdown Tours are both toilet trained now, so you can have our one free.!

Tell me where your hotel is and when you are arriving and I'll drop it round fully Dettoled on the moped.

Its always best to maintain their routine ...even on hols. Top tip....Spare pants, lots of wipes and a bucket of patience!

Touchdown Tours

Re: potty!

Wow thankyou so much!, we arrive at Internacional 2 Sunday somehwere around 1.30 pm all being well, however you could leave it at Connect if easier as popping to see Santy as soon as we unload lol, can i put you a drink in somwhere? as it really is kind of you

Anna xx

Re: potty!

Rob is also an elvis presley impersonater ,he also does a muslim version under the name of hamal shukup.