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Sad News

Sadly, our beloved Freesia Group president, Paul Davies, passed away peacefully this morning at home in Sutton, Surrey. His wife Sally was at his side. His daughter, Claire, and son, Robert, were nearby, too. Paul had suffered the knowledge of his fate very bravely for some months now, knowing that there was no cure for his cancer. He was desperately frustrated that he couldn't play his favourite game of golf or go to see his beloved Chelsea play.

Our thoughts go out to all the family at this dfficult time.

What started as a stain under a fingernail some years ago was diagnosed as a melanoma only this year. Unfortunately, after his finger was amputated and lymph nodes removed it was discovered that it had spread to his kidneys, lungs and ultimately his brain.

A message to all of us to get such things checked out if in doubt at any time!

Paul and Sally have been coming to Salou for many years and bought their house in Villafortuny in 1986. They have made it their permanent home for over a decade. Paul (always with Sally's support) has been an ardent supporter of the Freesia Group cancer charity and has worked unfailingly for the cause for the last five years. He was always full of fun and energy and brought many new people to the group whilst raising a lot of money from his various golf contacts and friends.

He took over as president of the Freesia Group last year and was looking forward to many more years in semi-retirement in Spain. He will be sadly missed by many.

God bless you Paul.

With love from the Freesia Group and other friends xxx

Re: Sad News

So sorry to hear this news, i met paul at the xmas fair in christys and chaplins he was here and there organising things and always had a smile on his face,he will be sadly missed by all.......RIP paul,...Christy Mcgrath.