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Bookmakers & Exchange rate

Hi, I was wondering if anyone could tell me if there are any bookies in Salou or any bars that have the horse racing on ? Like a flutter and coming to Salou on Tues.

Also, can anyone tell me what the current exchange rate is in Salou or would it be recommended to buy our Euro's before we come, I bank the Santander,Would I be right in thinking I will get no extra charges should I draw my money out in Salou ??

Many thanks in advance for anyone who may be able to help !!!

Re: Bookmakers & Exchange rate

There is usually a bookie taking bets on the horses in Shankley's during the day. Was when i was last in Salou anyway. It's pretty much opposite burger king

Re: Bookmakers & Exchange rate

Not sure where you are staying... but Shankleys or Rovers Return are the best bet for a bookies!
Exchange rate here at the mo is around 1.20... I'd do a deal with Post Office or Eurochange before you come out. I reckon you will currently get a shade over 1.22

Re: Bookmakers & Exchange rate

Thanks Martyn and AV kid, yeah I know both places pretty well, been Salou before, nice to know I have somewhere to top up my spendos, lol.....

Thanks for the info on rate also.

Hitting Salou about dinner time tomoz, can't wait, yeeee ha.....