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Hi im hoping someone can help me please.

I am coming to Salou in June, and i am staying at a hotel on a half board basis. There will be myself and my partner and our two children aged 1 year and 6 years. We have never been abroad before so this is all new to us.
We are just wondering how much spending money would be adviseable for our 2 wk trip. We will be eating out for lunch every day and will be buying snacks, drinks, ice creams etc. I have already accounted for theme and water park tickets so its purely just basic spending money im thinking about.

Hope this is okay


Re: Spends!

A lot depends on where you go, what and how much you want to buy e.g. Will you drink local drinks or want imported stuff.
As a rule of thumb 2 adults can get by on 50 euros a day... add another 50 for the two kids. Thats 100 euros a day or 1,400 euros for 14 days. Make that 2,000 euros if you want to have contingency for emergency's or special treats etc or take a credit card.
If you are careful you would get by with a 1,000 or less.... if not 2,000+ thats how varied Salou can be!

Re: Spends!

Hi ,

Taking into consideration that you are staying at a hotel on a half board basis, theres no way you will need £100 a day! Chances are, breakfast will be a buffet style eat what you want self service, and the same with dinner. So all you will have to buy is lunch, and if your just getting a normal lunch (ie( hot dog, burger or chips etc its not going to cost u much money! Say 20 euros for all of you, then drinks on top to last through out the day, even if you said 30 euros which i dont think it will be that much, thats still only 50 euros! I would say you should aim to take around 700-800 euros, then an extra couple of hundred on top incase you want to do any trips etc, so all in all i would say youll be more than comfortable with 1000 euros !! Hope this helps!

Re: Spends!

Hi i agree with The Av Kid, i would budget around 100 euro per day, with a little extra put to one side,its best to take too much than not enough

Re: Spends!

Hi ,

Taking into consideration that you are staying at a hotel on a half board basis, theres no way you will need £100 a day! Chances are, breakfast will be a buffet style eat what you want self service, and the same with dinner. So all you will have to buy is lunch, and if your just getting a normal lunch (ie( hot dog, burger or chips etc its not going to cost u much money! Say 20 euros for all of you, then drinks on top to last through out the day, even if you said 30 euros which i dont think it will be that much, thats still only 50 euros! I would say you should aim to take around 700-800 euros, then an extra couple of hundred on top incase you want to do any trips etc, so all in all i would say youll be more than comfortable with 1000 euros !! Hope this helps!

And then people wonder why Salou is going broke
Hotdog, burger and chips...OMG.
Might as well shut up shop, guys, and give up trying to provide QUALITY, when people like this are considering burger and chips a NORMAL lunch.
Go to Blackpool, and save the fares. You will be able to buy all the crap you could ever dream of, with the fare money you save.
To Amy. Bring as much as you can afford, and spend it wisely. No rules to say you can't take whatever is left home with you. AV Kid is on the nail.

Re: Spends!

Local... as luck will have it I have just priced up a weeks trip for 6 friends to Blackpool in June. I can get them to Salou with accomodation and flights for £50 cheaper than same trip to Blackpool.
Add in Blackpool lager/drinks prices at £3+ and the comparison becomes a 'no brainer'

Re: Spends!

I understand that AV. But what is the point in trying to maintain a decent quality Restaurant Bar, if all we get are cheapskates who bring nothing to the Resort? We do our absolute best to provide excellence of service and quality fare, only to throw it all away because nobody wants to spend the small amount extra to buy decent food and drink? Our waste bin enjoys a better meal every day than we do, so we might just as well all give up, or put up OUR prices for rubbish menus and drink, just to be able to earn enough to stay open and pay rent/mortgage, food, electricity and staff...let alone the ridiculous government charges we are saddled with, which NEVER come down.
The trouble is, it has all become about the CUSTOMER, and NOT the venue. If I hear one more order for 2 plates of chips between four people, and see them drinking out of a supermarket bottle of Coke under the table,I will scream

Re: Spends!

I understand that AV. But what is the point in trying to maintain a decent quality Restaurant Bar, if all we get are cheapskates who bring nothing to the Resort? We do our absolute best to provide excellence of service and quality fare, only to throw it all away because nobody wants to spend the small amount extra to buy decent food and drink? Our waste bin enjoys a better meal every day than we do, so we might just as well all give up, or put up OUR prices for rubbish menus and drink, just to be able to earn enough to stay open and pay rent/mortgage, food, electricity and staff...let alone the ridiculous government charges we are saddled with, which NEVER come down.
The trouble is, it has all become about the CUSTOMER, and NOT the venue. If I hear one more order for 2 plates of chips between four people, and see them drinking out of a supermarket bottle of Coke under the table,I will scream

Dont tar eveybody with the same brush. I will be taking my family to Salou in July and there is no way I would dream of feeding my Son on hotdog and chips for a fortnight. We enjoy good quality cooked food and like to visit local restaurants even though we are half board and save all year to enjoy the luxury of eating where we want and visiting places we want to go during our holiday.

Re: Spends!

Nice one Nicola. This is a great place for a holiday so come and enjoy yourselves. If you let us know what sort of things you want to get involved in,tell us and we can point you in the right direction. Often one can come on holiday and spend the first three or four days getting one's bearings,so if we can short cut that for you,please shout!