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Re: Permanent work in Salou?

Nick, You miserable dream busting b****** :)

Re: Permanent work in Salou?

Hi Michelle, my neice and I are heading to Salou in 4 weeks time. If you contact Danny Boys, Olivers, Uncle Sams, Red Lion. Many of these are opening for Salou Fest this year and it's easter after that, many of them stay open till the end of October,so that would give you 6 months plus, of work, and some may offer a contract.My neice will be staying over there to work, she is hoping to get a job in childcare at one of the hotels. If you wanted to stay on for the winter you could think of trying for work in Barcelona for the winter months. Some of the above are on facebook.Might I suggest a basic spanish course in the meantime?Also check out jobs in Portaventura.

Re: Permanent work in Salou?

Just wondering if you had any luck finding work?
Best wishes

Re: Permanent work in Salou?

Nick is 100% accurate in his advice i have worked in Salou for 12 years now the season is 4 1/2 mths at best and unless you get a FULL contract you cannot afford to stay the winter many head to Andora but that is getting harder and most return to the UK to work as i have done, even If you have substantial savings you will soon see them dwindle with nothing comming in,
last year i brought my new partner to salou she is also in the care industry and spent many years in customer service. yet with those qualifications and the numerous contacts i have she was unable to find suitable work, luckily i have my own buisness that allowed her to work with me, but instead of 2 incomes we had 1 split in 2.
The sad fact is in terms of bar work the only places that are recruiting tend to be looking for young party people that can be housed in workers flats. otherwise you need a job with decent income or flat share,
If you can watch the series "our man in" you will see just how many expats see their dreams fall apart thinking that a life in the sun is one big holliday the simple fact is Spain dosnt have a welfare system for others like we do in the UK

Re: Permanent work in Salou?

Tom. a bit harsh, Nick has only told the real side of what its like in Salou. I think he was informing them not putting them off.

Re: Permanent work in Salou?

Tom that's a bit harsh on Nick he's not shattering dreams but offering a reality check far too many people give up every thing for a new life in the sun. only to find it is not one long holiday, I came to Spain in the mid 90's and then gave up a mortgage and a thriving business to follow my dream luckily it went well although I didnt have the income i made in the uk and have struggled financialy some times, It was the best decision i ever made

Re: Permanent work in Salou?

Sorry boys I was only joking (see the smilie?). I would love to live over there eventually but realise without major financial back up it's pointless. Just felt that nick could could have let her down a bit lighter instead of dropping her off the Shambhala

Re: Permanent work in Salou?

I took no offence Tom..I saw the smiley
I look at it this way: to get somewhere, you need to take a pill...and it STILL won't be easy. If you need to have the pill probably didn't have the character to make it anyway...if you have the guts to take the pill. swallow it, and then stand a better chance of making it. Trouble is, the streets of Salou are often littered with those who had the guts...but not the luck.There is virtually no sign at all of the rest
Thanks to Maggie and Rick for their input. They are experienced in the vagaries of Salou too .I have been here 24 years, and seen boom and bust, slight boom, and then potentially a bigger bust in all that time