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Re: summer work

barwork may be hard to come by at that stage but you should be able to get a job in PR as long as your a good worker!its always good to know a second language!mite be back over this year myself!

Re: summer work

I dont have barwork experience so i`m more interested in working in restaurant. Agree, i myself speak English, Spanish, Latvian (which is my native language but hah its not useful in Spain ), Russian which i think is very useful in Salou cause there are many russians and some basic German..

Re: summer work

hi zane if you speak russian i think you will find yourself in demand as that market is opening right up the reason most brits are unable to find work is we are limited to english most of us too lazy to learn another language, i would suggest you also look at the plana company as they usemostly east european staff due to them speaking various languages

Re: summer work

Hi zane you will find work no problem in july as its when the summer hits its busiest times lots, of workers tend to get fired around that time of year as their social life becomes more important than there job. If you have languages it will be very easy, good luck.

Re: summer work

Languages? In the kitchen? Too much brandy on the Christmas pud? Which Bar do you own? Don't be shy!!