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Best place to sell

I'm thinking of selling my apartment in Salou and need some assistance on how to go about it?

Re: Best place to sell

legal advice? Or how to actually sell it, and advertise it?
For a start, I would say find an Estate agent who doesn't require exclusive rights to selling. BEWARE if they DO, because even if you should sell it yourself, they will still want their commission. At least, that was what we went through when we sold our apartment in Cap Salou 12 years ago. Laws might have changed now.
If you want to advertise on the Net, Google 'sell apartment in Costa Dorada'. If you want to advertise in the UK, try Daltons Weekly, who also have a website on the Net.
I would also recommend arranging a 'free hour' with a Gestor, so you know exactly what costs are going to be involved, and whose responsibility it is to pay them (you or the buyer, should you find one.
We had success with 'Don Piso', who might still have an office in Tarragona.
Lastly, be prepared to take a big cut in price from that which you bought it for. It is strictly a buyer's market right now, and prices are extremely low, as far as I have seen.

Re: Best place to sell

Another point to bear in mind is that, if you have a mortgage on the apartment currently, the Mortgage holders will charge a hefty 'early settlement' fee.
Do you live in it, or are you a UK resident? Another idea is to simply rent it have more chance of getting tenants than buyers, and you keep the apartment, and actually earn from it, in some cases.
Although the financial crisis is hitting Salou hard, there is always a market for apartments for rent during the summer season, and even for all year round.

Re: Best place to sell

Wouldn't bother trying to help anymore Nick. Wasting your time and effort, by the looks of it.Good advice wasted, I guess

Re: Best place to sell

Hey nothing lost, nothing gained, Local .
If my advice is any good, then it might help somebody else reading it. If it isn't any I said above:nothing lost, nothing gained

Re: Best place to sell

Hey, nothing lost, nothing gained, Local . Even if 'T' didn't read it, maybe somebody else found it helpful
But, as I said above: nothing lost, nothing gained

Re: Best place to sell

Hi Nick,

Thanks for your reply, I havent been on here for a while, but your info is appreciated. (thanks Local!)

I used to work in salou and bought the apartment in 2003 with a mortgage, I then moved back to the UK. I have rented it in the past thru Universal, but didnt really work out for many reasons.

Its beginning to be a costly bug bear and I only get to use it a couple of times a year now.

Thank you once again for your input, will have a chat to the bank etc when Im next out in salou.