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Cos Blanco

Does anyone no the exact date of the 2012 Cos Blanco? Thanks

Re: Cos Blanco

Oh PLEASE!!! Don't wish the summer away already!!
It is nearly always the first weekend in February, but that isn't written in Stone. I think the 'Powers that be' generally announce the date much later in the year, but first weekend in February is a pretty good rule of thumb

Re: Cos Blanco

Thanks just wanted to book a flight when they were still cheap......heard it was a very good festival from Big Al

Re: Cos Blanco

Flights for February will be cheap for a long time to come yet. Also... I have noticed that Ryanair have subtly changed their pricing structure. They now charge a medium rate for long term booking... get into 3 to 12 weeks away and wait for the special offers that will bring the rate to its lowest and book. The price then steadily goes back up to its highest for last minute bookings.
Easter is early'ish in 2012....7/8th April.... which can result in an early Cos Blanc. I would not be surprised at a 29/30th January Cos Blanc but 4/5th February is favorite.
I would not book yet.. leave it until you know the dates from looking at the two Salou forums and book your flights when a special deal is active

Re: Cos Blanco

Will do and thanks for info......

Re: Cos Blanco

just wondered if the date is known yet want need to come over for a few days

Re: Cos Blanco

Got it confirmed from the mayor the other day that Cos Blanc will indeed be the first weekend in feb - 4th to be exact for it's 2012 fiesta.

There will be other things going on both a few days before, and the day after this 1st saturday in Feb, but that's the confirmed "confetti day"

Soon be here!!