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Upcoming Show!

Hey everyone, we will be playing here in muncie at the ball state student center (the tally) on thursday jan 29, we either play at 7 or 8, can't remember, i'll keep you posted for sure, and it costs $3 to get in, but you get 3 bands, so it's all good. Just letting you know.

Re: Upcoming Show!

man, that sucks ass! i have to go 2 court that day!!!!! oh, to anyone who cares, thets pray for tyler. he's in yoc right now, for something like a stupid little fight or something. so pray and help.

Re: Upcoming Show!

yea, starts at 7, and sorry about tyler

Re: Upcoming Show!

Okay guys I will see if I can make it. Although I have no clue where that is but I will tell Momma and she if she'll come too.

As far as Tyler goes I am really upset about it so upset I fought with Amy over something stupid. I love him. I hope that he doesn't get put in there for very long. Sorry Amy.

I love you guys!

Re: Upcoming Show!

Hmmm Yeah Sounds like fun.... I'll try to go iff I am off work but I don't know cuz thats Tonios 29th bday and he wants to do something. So dunno.
But hey I may have my car up and running you know the whole insurance and a license might help to. So if I do and you need a ride I'll try to help. If I don't then I am sorry and dont kill me please... lol

Re: Upcoming Show!

it's alright suzy, i know it was very hard to keep cool after hearing that, i was even ready to fight with his mum when she told me. but hey, it wont be that long till he's out, i think not sure though.

Re: Upcoming Show!

Yes. I hope you all will be able to come to my birthday show. I am looking forward to having the boys play the line up that I will provide them with along with fun hats and party favors. Hell, I throw in some hot mamma panties...

Happy 20th to me!!

Re: Upcoming Show!


Re: Upcoming Show!


Re: Upcoming Show!

hey. wow, you guys should change the show to the 28th cause theres a slot open that day too and i work on the 29th. i dont wanna miss seeing NewCleaR play again. thatd make me o so happy, but i know thats selfish of me. i planned on being there on the 28th anyway cause i try to go to as many of the local shows as i can. ok, im done. bye!

Re: Upcoming Show!

To: Newclear: I really wish I could go, but Amy has to go to court on that day and she would be the only reason why I would go. Amy says that you guys “rock the house”. That Lauren person is right, you guys should have it on the 28th I don’t have any houses that would need worked on by then and it would be a good last show for my Amy, that is if she really doesn’t get put in Y.O.C. I know she won’t though. Well I’ve got to go.

Re: Upcoming Show!

sorry, we have to do it on the 29, because it is a thursday and we are all available already because it is a regular practice day, sorry guys

Re: Upcoming Show!

Plus its my birthday Beotches. Always trying to rain on my f-in parade!

Re: Upcoming Show!

YAY! we get to spend some of Britt's B-day with her, oh crap what am I going to get her!

well I love you guys